I Found Love

I love, love, love this video by Lindsey Stirling. It makes me happy every time I watch it.

As I was thinking about this video, and finding love in a hopeless place, I realized one of my favorite things are those moments when the world goes still and the spirit stirs within me, washing me with love. Love for life, for the world, for the blessings I have. They are my frozen memories, the times I wish I could snap a photo and hold on to it forever. It's love in an unexpected place.

It's the little two-year-old girl's eyes when she pulls grass up with chubby fingers and wiggles it into the bunny cage, "Here bunnies, here."

It's the bubbles all over the six-year-old's face; Santa Claus beard, laughing in the bathtub.

It's the nests we made out of the beds last night, pillows and blankets on all the edges, the littles in the middle with a place to put their heads, no matter where they turned.

It's their sleeping breaths when I stood in the bedroom this morning, not quite able to wake them up.

It's the careful fingers of the eight-year-old, passing out pez candy to the small ones, one and at time. "Here, open your mouth."

It's in words.

"Did you hear him! Did you hear? He whistled!"

"Watch how fast I can go on my bike."

"Please bless us to serve everyone in the whole world."

Two glasses of water spilled in one meal. Wet rags scattered everywhere. They are half out their chairs, laughing as they scoop up food with their fingers. Don't use the silverware, don't mind the puddles. There is nothing in the world more funny than my brother right now.

I found love in this place.

Where do you find love?

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